Party 1 Sex (Genero)
Party 1 Present Marital/Union Status (Estado Civil Actual )
Party 1 First Name (as it appears on your ID) ( Información Personal de Partido Uno)
Party 1 Middle Name (as it appears on your ID) (Segundo nombre de Partido Uno)
Party 1 Last Name (as it appears on your ID) (Apelliodo de Partido Uno)
Party 1 Suffix Name (Ex. Jr, Sr, III) (Sufijo)
Party 1 Last name at birth if different (opt)
Party 1 Street Address (Dirección de Partido Uno)
Party 1 City (Ciudad)
Party 1 State (Enter Country if outside the US. If not in list, type it in and click add.) (Estado)
Party 1 Zip Code (Código Postal)
Party 1 Date of Birth (Fecha de nacimiento de Partido Uno (Mes/Dia/Anos))
Party 1 Phone
Party 1 Birth City (Ciudad de nacimiento)
Party 1 Birth State (Enter Country if outside the US. If not in list, type it in and click add.) (Estado de nacimiento)
Party 1 Previous Marriage/Civil Union?
Party 1 Previous Marital/Union Name (Nombres Apellidos)
Party 1 Divorced/Dissolved/Decl Invalid Date (Si ha estado casado, fecha final (Mes/Dia/Ano))
Party 1 Divorced/Dissolved/Decl Invalid Court Type (Tipo de Corte del Divorcio )
Party 1 Divorced/Dissolved/Decl Inval/Widowed City (Cuidad del Divorcio )
Party 1 Divorce/Dissolved/Decl Inval/Widowed State (Enter Country if outside the US. If not in list, type it in and click add.) (Estado del Divorcio )
Party 1 Previous Civil Union Partner Name (Nombre de Ex-Esposo/a / Pareja Anterior)
Party 1 Parent/ Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Padre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Padre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Padre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian City (Current residence. If deceased, last known residence) (Ciudad del Padre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian State (Enter Country if outside the US. If not in list, type it in and click add.) (Estado del Padre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian First (Primer Nombre del Madre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian Middle (Segundo Nombre del Madre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian Last (Apellidos del Madre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian City (Current residence. If deceased, last known residence) (Ciudad del Madre)
Party 1 Parent / Guardian State (Enter Country if outside the US. If not in list, type it in and click add.) (Estado del Madre)